Melissa Ohden shares how she survived an abortion at 31 weeks.
Bruceph Mildur
Chair Cassidy is so full of... he's so mistaken. It's not a difficult issue chairman. It's murder! Life's not easy. It's never been easy. It never will …Mehr
Chair Cassidy is so full of... he's so mistaken. It's not a difficult issue chairman. It's murder! Life's not easy. It's never been easy. It never will be easy. This congeniality business has gone too far.
Unplanned pregnancies can be the greatest blessings
She was unplanned? Are they saying it's ok to plan pregnancies now?
Cc Ss
What did she expect would happen?
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U.S. pro-life leader Abby Johnson roasted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the National March for Life in Canada's capital city of Ottawa earlier this month. “I look at your ridiculous Prime Minister …Mehr
U.S. pro-life leader Abby Johnson roasted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the National March for Life in Canada's capital city of Ottawa earlier this month. “I look at your ridiculous Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,” she said. “He is an idiot! The Trudeau family, can you just please go away? You have wreaked enough havoc in this beautiful country. Get out! Like, go away!”
Sorry to say you never end abortion in a democracy that called original sin . Democracy has no room for Christ the King
Everyday for Life Canada
Look up Trudeau in the dictionary: by far the worst PM in Canada’s history. Next is his old man.
7 weitere Kommentare
Roger Foley, a Canadian man with disabilities, says he's been offered euthanasia "multiple times." Listen to him speak out against being devalued as he fights for the support he needs to live
Credo .
One brave, courageous man!
O Canada social Marxism at its finest sprinkled with fascism
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Maybe he was singing “From the river to the sea” quietly in his head? Morally bankrupt, cowardly, two tiered, political police force
Live Mike
@English Catholic they act more like parking metre attendants, than cops, lol.
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MP Daniel Kawczynski at the "March for Life UK"
chris griffin
Thank you.
That moment when the most based Catholic NFL kicker Harrison Butker calls out the nation’s president Joe Biden for making the sign of the cross at a pro-abortion event.
March for Life in Dublin, May 6
chris griffin
Ireland legalized abortion without any words of prolife from Pope Francis. He was totally unfazed and uncaring about legalizing abortion. That is what …Mehr
Ireland legalized abortion without any words of prolife from Pope Francis. He was totally unfazed and uncaring about legalizing abortion. That is what his real heart is really like.
John Mason MSP: "These groups [vigil groups] are mainly older and mainly religious people, quietly reading or praying. They offer support and information to women who are considering an abortion."
The Baby Olivia Act has been signed into law in Tennessee. This law ensures that over 1 million TN public school students will be taught scientifically accurate information about when life begins
All Saints
Thousands of people showed up in Illinois to March for Life.
Bill Maher says the quiet part out loud. “I scold the left when they say [pro-lifers] hate women… they don’t hate women… they think [abortion] is murder, and it kind of is. I’m just okay with that.…Mehr
Bill Maher says the quiet part out loud. “I scold the left when they say [pro-lifers] hate women… they don’t hate women… they think [abortion] is murder, and it kind of is. I’m just okay with that. Isn’t that the pro-choice position?”
CNN’s Kaitlan Collins tries to gotcha pro-life Dr. Christina Francis: "Just to be clear, Dr. Francis, you have never had to go to the ER…to perform an abortion for someone who had complications from …Mehr
CNN’s Kaitlan Collins tries to gotcha pro-life Dr. Christina Francis: "Just to be clear, Dr. Francis, you have never had to go to the ER…to perform an abortion for someone who had complications from taking [chemical abortion drugs], right?"
Kaitlan, seems manly.. I do not know why.. Sorry, is this one of those transitioning people? Why is it these women want to kill their babies, don't care …Mehr
Kaitlan, seems manly.. I do not know why.. Sorry, is this one of those transitioning people? Why is it these women want to kill their babies, don't care if other women die doing this, just so they can KILL?! God help us in America!
Ann Smith
Looks more like a man in the middle
2 weitere Kommentare
NFL kicker and Super Bowl champ Harrison Butker calls out abortion and the “massacring” of the unborn “The unborn, to me, are the greatest victims in our society.” “I just think it is a great atrocity …Mehr
NFL kicker and Super Bowl champ Harrison Butker calls out abortion and the “massacring” of the unborn “The unborn, to me, are the greatest victims in our society.” “I just think it is a great atrocity occurring in this country with massacring the unborn.”
Sarah Cain: "A judge in Canada has just ruled that Catholic palliative care centers that don't want to participate in Canada's euthanasia program don't have a choice. They are required to engage in …Mehr
Sarah Cain: "A judge in Canada has just ruled that Catholic palliative care centers that don't want to participate in Canada's euthanasia program don't have a choice. They are required to engage in murder"
The more they try to silence pro-life students the louder they get 📣 (SPUC video)
That’s it!!!!…..fight for LIFE!
Seriously, what happened to Ireland?
Pro-life group Live Action created this video to help educate + “encourage appreciation for human life,” as AP puts it. Under new legislation in Iowa, Missouri, and WV, the video may soon be shown to …Mehr
Pro-life group Live Action created this video to help educate + “encourage appreciation for human life,” as AP puts it. Under new legislation in Iowa, Missouri, and WV, the video may soon be shown to kids at school as part of sex education.
Das Wunder des Lebens. Ein göttliches Geheimnis. Wer wagt es, dieses sein Lebenswerk anzugreifen. Ein gerechtes Gericht wird die Schuldigen treffen.
What's wrong with Euthanasia? Catholic Unscripted 54 - following Katherine's appearance on BBC1 67 views Premiered 96 minutes ago As mentioned, please contact BBC Sunday Morning Live to let them know …Mehr
What's wrong with Euthanasia? Catholic Unscripted 54 - following Katherine's appearance on BBC1
67 views Premiered 96 minutes ago
As mentioned, please contact BBC Sunday Morning Live to let them know that there are those who are against this proposed change in law and support the arguments made by Katherine on the programme.
Email: sundaymorninglive@bbc.co.uk
Facebook: @SundayMorningLive
Twitter: @BBCSML
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In this episode, Mark, Gavin and Katherine discuss the euthanasia debate in the UK. They highlight the importance of dignity and the slippery slope argument against euthanasia. They also discuss the role of language control and the expansion of criteria and erosion of safeguards in the euthanasia debate. The impact of funding and media bias is also explored. The conversation emphasizes the inherent dignity of every human person and the enrichment of relationships in the face of suffering …Mehr
Thousands of pro-lifers chanting “let their hearts beat” outside of the United States Capitol
Everyday for Life Canada
Yes, choose life!
May God bless each and every one of them
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